The Curve

The Curve

. The Universe has a lover, the curve
.                           Mysterious, beautiful
.                                Pi flirts with our minds
.         Showing us the infinite within the finite,
.                              The curves of a galactic arm
.                                       The curves of a woman
.                               Our lives are mere spirals…
.             Moving forward in patterns endlessly
.         Space curves and makes giant spheres
.     While we orbit a fiery globe in an oval
.    Spirals     Galaxies     DNA        Proteins
.                            What if we could see God?
.                                What would she look like?
.                                                               Maybe…
.                She is a curve, winding through space
.                                      Flirting with the stars

This is probably my favorite of all the poems I’ve written. I wrote it back in 11th grade during Ms. Talesnik’s math class. The fact I feel I’ve been unable to top it worries me a bit. Apologies for the dots, it was the only way to get WordPress to accept the spacing.

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